Monday 2 March 2009

T_T I had to give it back...

Yup, the dreaded day came. I had to give back the Game to Eric DX<>

Oh yeah, and sorry for not posting yesterday... I guess I forgot XP


I am definetly sick, today I got stronger dizzy waves, an even hotter head than yesterday, and I feel really tired and can't concentrate on anything. I'm not getting the waves now that I'm at home though... O.o


You guys really gotta tell me what to post here! I completly don't know! (PS I need help with inserting a chatbox! EMail me! (


Story time!


But Silver Sky (Silver for short) had hurt her ankle so badly that Snowshoe, the Pegasus, had to hoist her up to Softheart's (the WingedUnicorn) back By the time they had reached the hospital, night had fallen, and Silver was sound asleep. A nurse hovered her onto a bed with her magic horn (she was a Unicorn), stared at her for a full 2 seconds, and then trotted off to her bed to catch another 5 hours or so of sleep. The next morning, Silver's ankle was now hurting so much that she moaned in pain. Almost immediatly, the nurse that took care of her last night, called Uni, came bustleing over, hovering a tray of food with her horn. ah, your awake, here's your breakfast Silver", she chattered, laying the tray down on a bedside counter, "I'll go get you some ice for your ankle." So then she galloped off.


*Wonders if anyone likes it at all


  1. hey! er... i left a message in MSN bout the cbox:)

  2. MY eyes.... i cant really see anything.....
