Wednesday 11 March 2009

0_O Ankle still hurts!


I think I bruised or cracked my bone. Either that, or pulled a foot muscle. How? My foot bent in a COMPLETE 90 degree angle! The bony part of my foot also banged hard onto the ground. It hurts at the lighest touch. It also hurts whenever I move it.


Music: Boring and tiring. Same as usual
PE: Running warm-ups. My foot didn't hurt ?

Lulz, that is a very weird smily XD Anyways, after that, we did Volleyball. Learned to Spike. I could barely do it D;
Math: Nothing special. Oh, oh! We finally got to Email our new Pen Pal, Alex! I hope I get to meet him next him or sooner!
Science: DX We had to mix clay with sand with water. I don't mind the gooeyness, but I hate sand. I wonder what we're gonna do tomorrow? 8D
Lunch: Bake sale. i forgot to get my money, so I went to the lockers, back to the Cafeteria (sp?) and stood in line for the waffles. The waffles were HALF COOKED. You said it. HALF COOKED. It was all GOOEY and HOT and SOGGY. It tasted a bit weird. Me and S________ ate it with Vanilla Frosting. I love Frosting. 8P~
Lunch Recess: Spent it standing in line to get the Waffle XD
Chinese: Sang our song. It's actally pretty funny...
English: Finished reading BTT. Read the new book. Will and Jeff spread the word of Mr. Huge around XD ... DX I don't like that Snoopy guy
SS: Did this weird Lewis and Clark thing. Pretty fun, actually, though I didn't finish XD


NANNY TELLS ME THAT MY CAT LUCKY POOPED ON MY PORCH O_______________O She told me that for some reason he's pooping on the porch now, because... Because... Well, I dunno XD She yelled at me for letting him out XD


Keep voting! *Wonders who voted for no*


  1. heylo0o0o0o0... L&C is totally BoRiNg...

  2. haha...poor ya, sophie.
    i hope ur ankle will be ok soon.
