Thursday 12 March 2009

T_T Boring, boring, and um... Oh yeah, BORING!

Well, the whole day was boring. Seriously. See, it's so boring that I have no idea what to even write here!

Tech: Finished my Project. Boring
PE: Volleyball. Fun, at least...
Math: Marked our HomeWork... Did Quiz Review...
Science: We saw how Canyons/Fans/Meanders are shaped. Fun but quite boring, I think...
Lunch: This Raveoli-related Pasta thing with the Rice Dumpling. Was actually quite good. I nearly burned a hole through my tongue eating Kimchi *Glares at everyone and dares at everyone to laugh*
Lunch Recess: Nothing
Chinese: First the teacher asked us if we've lived in a Hospital before. All of us but P____ and K______ has. The conversation ended up lasting the whole period 8D
English: Spent nearly thw hole period laughing. Too funny to explain XD (G______ was laughing so hard his face was all red and he was crying XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
SS: Actually quite enjoyable. I dunno how to explain though...


When the Poll ends I'll put another one up for a little while

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