Tuesday 10 March 2009

DX Jeez my ankle hurts!

As I said yesterday about Lunch Recess, I twisted my ankle, but I think, as the side of my foot banged onto the ground, I think I may have hit a nerve or something. Why? My foot hurts whenever I touch that part of my foot, and it hurts whenever I move it. Also, for some reason, it hurts EVEN MORE after I stand up from sitting down.

Oh well...

Tech: Boring...
PE: We did warmups on scooters. It was so stupid! Math: Nothing special...
Science: WE WENT ON A MINI-FEILD TRIP. It was so fun! My ankle was hurting whenever I tried to jog/run, so S____, R___ and I were behing. S____ was behind because his side hurt, and he felt nausaus. R___, I don't know. Anyways, we reached the lake, and there were MILLIONS OF GNATS BUZZING TOGETHER. Honestly, there were so much it looked like a black cloud! I THINK I'm allergic to them... I mean, whenever I go near them, my nose, eyes, and everywhere starts itching.
Lunch: Mashed Poatoes mixed with Lamb Meat >XP DIIIIIIIIIIIIISGUSTIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!
Chinese: Nothing new. Boring as usual
English: NEW BOOK. We didn't even finish BTT XD
SS: Read our packet. Watched a short clip on L&C

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