Tuesday 3 March 2009

*Groans* I'm so tired and dizzy...

Today in school I was to tired that I really nearly blacked out O.o I don't think I've ever felt that tired in my life... I also got dizzy attacks every once in a while @_@

Music: Nearly fell asleep when Ms. Padillia gave the speech on the notes and stuff
PE: :'( You dun wanna know
Math: Much more awake, did a Quiz, did WMD...
Science: We talked about going on that fantabulous field trip 8D
Lunch: I didn't really like the lunch...
Chinese: Did some worksheets... Found out that we had to sing a song about a pig <_<>_> Dear
God, save me...

English: Shoebox, blah blah blah... You know, I totally forgot what happened in English Class... XD
SS: We had to make a mini-play. XD Kazuki was so funny. I miss Yudai D': He would've been funnier...

I need help with Pokemon Diamond. I dunno where to go, and if you want to help me, give me DIRECTIONS, 'cause it's all in Chinese and I can't read it at all...




When Uni came back with the ice, and settled it onto Silver's ankle, it already began to feel better. Now that she wasn't in so much pain, she could have a good look around her. There were several patiants and lots of nurses. Silver noticed that all the nurses were Unicorns, were female, and all wore the same Bronze Headgear with a Diamond in the middle. (Uni was wearing a Gold Headgear) This must be their uniform, she thought. She felt her stomach grumble, so she picked up the food tray and started to nibble on the apple. When she was all filled up and ready to go, her ankle throbbed again.


I wish you guys would vote on the Poll...

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