Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Went shopping at a fake C-Store yesterday and got 10 little things for 50 yuan -.-

-_______________________- That place was TOTALLY fake! I mean seriously, the Tomatoe and the words "C-Store" wern't even on top, they were on the side, and plus. The tomatoe looks all fakey and non 3-D. *Glares at the shopkeepers*

At least I had a good time eating the snacks we bought there...

Drama: Notes
PE: Baseball. Was actually pretty fun
Math: Learned 10-3, was pretty easy (Ate Potepo)
Science: Was gonna plany some friut and veggies for some reason. They had 4 fish (3 were dead, one was still alive) you know I love animals, but this was torture. Every time I looked at the poor littly fishy gasping for breath, just waiting to die in there was torture. I was near tears at the end of the period. (Was eating the Chocolate and furiously biting the back of my hand to stop from screaming. I have witnesses! Ask S___ T___!)
Lunch: Pasta and that tofu. I didn't like the pasta, so K______ ate it XXDD
Chinese: Wasn't paying attention. Was sneakily reading under the desk. I felt extreamlu tired for some strange reason. (I've been feeling like that for a couple of days -_-')
English: Read from the book and had to choose a food to represent a paragraph. I chose Snicker Bars 8P'
SS: Studied for the Map Test O_O


Please to click? :3


Sorry guys, but for some strange reason, Loldogs and Cats arn't working right now... Come back tomorrow and I hope that they'd sorted out the preblem!

1 comment:

  1. Oh mah gosh... Yea. u were loco. Biting ur own hand. -_-
