Friday 3 April 2009

I don't know why, I kinda feel depressed

Seriously, I feel like I can't get happy T_T Maybe just because I'm just tired? Anyways... Here's my day!

Music: Same as usual
PE: Badminton. Didn't play at all, 'cause I'm so horrible at it
Math: Posponed the test. Seriously, I needed that!
Science: Took a Test/Quiz
Lunch: Wasn't hungry. Ate 1 and a half of the Cheese Sandwhiches, plus about 3 of the potato thing
Lunch Recess: Library...
Chinese: D:<
English: We corrected the story thing, then did the weird-sentence thingy XD
SS: Quiz, then we did some stuff on the Civil War, then we listened to some songs. The last song made a unerasable mini-clip form in my head of a Chinese war movie my dad, brother and I watched T_T So sad...


You guys really like my stories? O_O *Poll hinthint*



Gah, I'm sorry guys, but it's 11:30PM right now, and I'm really tired...

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