Monday, 9 March 2009

XD I forgot to do my Blog... XD

For the last 2 days, for some reason, my eye (left) was always tearing XD I had to wipe if every few minutes or else a teat'll come out XXDD


Music: Boring. J__ made me and R___ sit in the wrong spots XD
PE: The Volleyball nets had to be taken down for some reason. We did all sorts of little games. Lots of running ~>:(
Math: FINALLY starting Chapter 8. S________'s class is already probably at lesson 9 or something XD
Science: Watched a video of a bird dancing to the music of this blind guy. Everyone was like XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Learned the names of landforms. Listened to Mr. Hettick tell a "scary" yet funny story, and I was like O_O
Lunch: Nothing new. Ate Chicken legs and rice.
Lunch Recess: A__ was scared of me for no reason. I'd grab him, telling him that I wouldn't kill him, and he just screams "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", startling me to death. Once I grabbed him, and he ran. I followed him, only to somehow twist my ankle and perhaps lighly sprain it. I fell to the ground, immobilized. If it were G______, I know that he'd run away, since last time I was chasing him on his bike, stepped into a hole and sprained my ankle badly. he just laughed and biked off. I was in so much pain I couldn't move until half an hour. I think more, but never mine. I personally think that A__ is the nicest one on their idiot group, even if he is disgusting. I walked over and asked if I was alright. G______ would've just laughed, just like last time. *Glares at G______*
Chinese: While half of the class took the test/retook the test, the rest of us just did our work. if we finished early, we got to do our Homework 8D
English: We got our stories back. I got A's on nearly everything :D I guess my dad was right...
SS: HAD A POP QUIZ. I was like O_o ZOMG


Last Chapter! I guess 2 people will be glad...


When she woke up, Sky Dream, the Earthpony that she had rescued, was standing over her. His leg was bandaged. "Thanks for saving my. My name is Sky, or just Sky. I'm a failed Starter," he told her. "And you are?" "My name is Silver Sky, or just Silver, and like you, am a Starter. A failed one..." She replied, "I was meant to be a Unicorn," she continued,"I was meant to be a Unicorn. My owner forgot to change the breed so... Here I am..." Silver and Sky was released from the PI Center the next day. They decided to get married. 5 days after the marrage, Silver gave birth to twins. Futernal twins, to be exact, and they looked exactly like their parents. From that day on, there were several generations on silvery blue Earthponies, all started by Silver Sky and Sky Dream.


THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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